I am currently pursuing a Masters degree (final year) in Computer Engineering at École pour l'informatique et les techniques avancées (EPITA) in Paris, in major Software development and Multimedia (MTI).After obtaining my baccalaureate degree (high school diploma) in the South of France, I integrated Higher School Preparatory Classes (CPGE) in mathematics, physics and engineering sciences (MP-MPSI). These two years allowed me to acquire rigor, organization and an important scientific background.Passionate about IT and new technologies, I went to Paris to integrate the engineering cycle of Epita for its renown in the field.
This training allowed me to develop solid knowledge in programming, algorithmics. architecture and management too.Curious, open-minded and determined I am now looking for my end of study internship starting in March 2020.
Language: English, French.Education
2017 - 2020
Master of Computer Engineering- at EPITA, Paris, France
- School for Computer Science and Advanced Techniques
- Ranked #1 best french computer engineering school fully dedicated to digital sector.
- Engineering course - Major SDM (Software development & Multimedia)
- StartupLab course
2015 - 2017
Higher School Preparatory Classes MPSI/MP- at School Notre Dame de Sion, Marseille, France
- Two-year undergraduate courses (Mathematics and Physics) for entrance exams to the top French Engineering Schools.
Scientific Baccalaureate- at High School ORT Léon BRAMSON, Marseille, France
- Class representative
Programming Languages & Skills
- Python
- Swift
- C, C++, C#
- Java
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- ReactJS, AngularJS
- NodeJS
- Kotlin
- Php
- MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Django, Pyramid
- Solidity
- Shell Script
- Software Architecture
- Agile Software Development
- DevOps
- Project Management
- Design Thinking
- Algorithmics
- Pack Office / iWork
- Photoshop
- Final Cut, iMovie, Motion
- MacOS, Windows, Linux (Archlinux, Ubuntu, KaliLinux), iOS and Android.
- Dynamic, Curious, Serious, Autonomous and Organized.
Work Experience & Associations
BTU Protocol - Paris, France
Sept 2018 to Jan 2019
Software Engineer
- Parisian startup developing an open source project that defines a system of decentralized reservation.
- Full Stack Web & Blockchain developer
- Lot of responsabilities and great from founders
- Scrum methodology
- Different projects in ReactJs, NodeJs, Php, and Solidity
Student union Nova Epita
2018 to 2019
Events organizations for students of Epita and IONIS group.Cycom
2017 to 2018
Events organizations in the world of video games.
Assistant Secretary position.
School Projects Details
4 weeks, team of 3 - Reimplementing bash from scratch. I learned a ton about how to parse and execute programming languages and how crazy the unix low level apis are. I'm still using this knowledge today when writing scripts thanks to this project. *
1 year, team of 4 - A project with a team of 4 people for a entire year and how to sell. It was pretty awesome, We centralized the IT needs of seniors and offered support to the management of these people for caregivers.
2 weeks- Movie suggestion iOS app just like a dating app. The user is offered a movie that he can like or disliker, by swiping to the right or to the left. The following movies will be displayed according to his preferences. A Django API stores user information.
Tiger Compiler
3 months, team of 3- The Tiger Compiler project is a C++ implementation of a Tiger compiler. The Tiger language is described by Andrew Appel in his "Modern Compiler Implementation" books, and constitutes an important project in the EPITA curriculum. Implementing a Scanner and Parser, buildings Abstract Syntax Tree, Bindings, Type Checking and more.*
6 weeks, team of 4- In this project, we had to develop independently, and in agile method, an intranet on a given subject. Technology: Django
4 weeks, team of 3- This project consists in the implementation of a Chessboard, a Chess engine, and a Chess AI in C++. *
4 weeks, team of 2- The purpose of this project is to write your own HTTP server in C++. *
2 weeks- Create a shared-library implementing Malloc, free, realloc and calloc (in C), with first-fit algorithms. *
rush: 38 hours- Implement a C library for integer arithmetic computation, in any base, with arbitrary precision (as many digits as necessary). *
1 week- The goal of this project is to create an UNIX program able to read a CD-ROM filesystem, which means to read the content of a .iso file, in respect of ISO 9660 standard. This project was written in C. *
2 weeks, team of 2- The purpose of this project is to create a simple program allowing to download and upload torrents, following the official BitTorrent protocol. This project was written in C. *
1 week- Reproduction of the Find command of the Unix shell. *
.NET + C# Project
3 weeks, team of 3- We had to create a website, using asp, with features for project management
Kotlin Project
2 weeks, team of 3- A Conway's Game of Life for Android.
ReactJS/Redux Project
1 weekC/Unix Workshop
3 weeksRush C
rush: 38 hours, team of 2- Creating a die and retry game in C with SDL2. *
C++ Workshop
1 weeksRush FormulaOne
rush: 38 hours, team of 2Java Workshop
1 weekRush Java
rush: 38 hours- Write an IA to play a game using web service.
DB Workshop
1 weekRush DB
rush: 38 hours- * some functions has disallowed.